Tag Archive: Health

Slow Down, Slow Way Down For Healthy Living

Tweet When we are so busy and time is a hot commodity, why would I suggest anything like slowing down? What’s the point? We’re busy, we’ve got things to do. Why slow down at all? Why not suggest even speeding up?  Wouldn’t that make more sense? Actually, speeding up would be the absolute worst thing…

Quit Playing The Blame Game: Getting Yourself Out of Victim Mode

Tweet How do you feel about the word Blame? Does it get a visceral reaction out of you? Does your stomach clench up? Do you start to grind your teeth a little? Does you heart maybe beat a little bit faster? Do your palms get sweaty? Does your skin start to flush? When it comes…

There are Six Letters Standing Between You & Your Desired Health, Body and Life

Tweet What if I told you that everything that you’ve ever wanted for yourself was within your grasp? What if I said that there was only one thing standing in your way of whatever it is that you’ve hoped to do, be or have? Better yet, what if only six letters stood between where you…

The Top 10 Ways To Stick With A New Habit

Tweet Congratulations! You’re picking up a new, and hopefully healthy, habit! That’s great news. So what’s your plan? How are you going to ensure your success? What?  You hadn’t thought of that yet? Good news! I have. Whether you’re looking to become healthier, to save more money, to be a neater or cleaner person or…

The Health Benefits of Jumping Rope

Tweet Name one exercise that torches calories, tones every single muscle in your body and that you can do anywhere and at any time and that doesn’t require expensive equipment or clothing. Give up? It’s jumping rope! It’s no longer the property of boxers or martial artists and it’s not relegated to the playground anymore….

It’s Time to Make Yourself a Priority Already

Tweet I’m not in the habit of mincing words, so let me just say that life can totally suck. People get sick and die.  Friends come and go, sometimes for no reason and sometimes for a really good one. Jobs and careers begin, fade away, come back and then disappear out of thin air. Economies…

10 Tips to Help You Maintain Good Health

Tweet As we all start to get a little bit older, we begin to realize that maintaining good health becomes more and more of a priority and less of an indulgence. Why? The easiest answer is that as advances and improvements in medicine occur, our quality of life begins to improve.  And with that, our…

The Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Choose A Diet

Tweet When you make the decision to start eating more healthfully, it may seem like the hardest part is over. Once you choose your diet, you just hop on the bandwagon, buy the food and everything goes the way it should. You lose weight.  You stabilize your cholesterol, your blood sugar, your digestion, etc. Your…

Why The Little Red Welts On My Arms Are Not From An Allergic Reaction

Tweet I thought I was having an allergic reaction. Why else would little red welts all of a sudden show up on both of my arms? Okay, let’s run down the checklist. Have I eaten anything new or different? Have I used any new skin products? How is my breathing? Do I feel my throat…

How Can I Get Enough Calcium If I Don’t Drink Milk?

Tweet There is there horrible thought out there in nutrition world that if you don’t drink milk, then there is no way that you’ll ever get enough calcium in your diet. And if you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, then you’re setting yourself up for osteoporosis, broken bones, fractures and that dreaded “humped”…

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