Why The Little Red Welts On My Arms Are Not From An Allergic Reaction

I thought I was having an allergic reaction. Why else would little red welts all of a sudden show up on both of my arms?

Okay, let’s run down the checklist.

Have I eaten anything new or different? Have I used any new skin products? How is my breathing? Do I feel my throat getting tight? Is my skin getting warmer or am I flushing? Am I itchy?

What IS going on?

New food? No.

New skin products? Not really unless you count the new “not tested on animals, all organic, we’re so wonderful & healthy” room spray that I just used?

Hmm. Maybe.

Breathing is good. Throat is good. No flush unless you count where I keep pressing on the welts & red bumps on my arm.

Oh no, are they getting itchy now or am I just imagining it?

Seriously, what is going on?

10:30 am on a Saturday morning.

I’ll sheepishly admit that I had slept straight through 9 and a half hours without flinching.

Was there something in my bed? Yikes. Horrible thought, but no, that’s not it.

So what is it?

What are those little red welts?

How can I explain them away so that I can feel justified in putting on some magic lotion that will take the itch out and help them go away?

It has to be an allergic reaction. No other reason makes sense.

You and I both agree, that’s what would make sense.

But why, then, is it over 48 hours later and those little red welts are still here? And why are they spreading?

A little more on my arms, here and there. A little bit on my thighs, little and unobtrusive.

Not chicken pox, mumps or anything like that. Been there, done that and got the vaccination.

There has to be a rational explanation.

But I know better.

I’ve been here before.

Last November I was here. Same basic scenario, same marks.

And there’s nothing rational about why I have these little red welts.

But the thought that’s flashing across my mind suddenly brings everything into focus.

Oh crap. That’s it.

While I’m sitting here trying to justify it with something external- something that is happening TO me, I’m ignoring the fact that it could be something internal- something that I’m doing or being.

Heads up. I’m going to head into some airy-fairy, hippie-dippie stuff here.

Our body reacts to a lot of different things.

Sometimes its things that happen to us that we need to react to- the external circumstances- such as being chased or interacting with another person.

But sometimes its our internal stuff that forces our body to react.

Take for instance, stress.

Some people will internalize stress to the point where it can manifest itself into an ulcer or into a migraine.

That’s a negative view of internalizing with its resultant physical manifestation.

That’s a view that we can all be comfortable with somewhat because it’s known, it’s understood and because it’s reasonable.

But what if we flip the switch?

What happens when we internalize healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle?

What would you expect to happen?

Instant happiness? Instant health? Instant perfection?

That would be nice but it’s never going to happen physically.

Physically we are incapable of instant manifestation of good, healthy habits.


Because your past habits have made your body exactly what it is today.

If you haven’t been eating well, if you haven’t been exercising or treating your body in a healthy or respectful manner, then your body is going to reflect that.

Multiply that by the number of years of those habits and you’ll be able to see the scope of the work that needs to be done.
As you begin down the path of better habits, you slowly begin to chip away at the build-up of old habits, patterns and stuff.

As you break that old stuff down, you can push yourself further and further down the road of healthy living.

So what happens to the old stuff? The stuff that’s falling away?

Does it just disappear?

I don’t think it does.

I think that you need to process through all your old stuff before you can truly release it.

Hence my little red welts.

My body is processing through a whole lot of stuff right now.

I’m eating cleaner and healthier. I’m doing some deep, personal cleaning. I’m moving fast towards growth and change.
Of course I’m going to be releasing my stuff!

It’s kind of like sweating out a heavy garlic laden meal that you ate the night before a solid cardio workout.  You can’t help but have the garlic seep out of your pores.

But this time around, it’s not garlic.  It’s something more potent and something more critical to expel from my body.

I’m working through toxic thoughts, habits, patterns, and relationships and that toxicity is having the physical manifestation of little red welts.

This is the way that my body is choosing to expel all of my old stuff, my toxic past that no longer has a place in my today.

This has happened to me before and maybe it’s happened to you.

You may think that I’m way off base and looking deeper into a very simple allergic reaction. That may be true.

But what I know to be true and what I understand to be true is that our bodies are weird and amazing creations and they are way smarter than any of us.

Who am I to say that my body is wrong?

I am willing to listen to every little thing that I am being told because every day I leave myself open to learn more from my body.

Because if I’m not willing to listen, I may just be getting these little red welts all over again.

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  • http://rundramarun.blogspot.com/ Danna Crawford

    Learning from my body is something I have just started to pay attention to and I can’t thank you enough for sharing this awesome information! Very inspiring!

    Keep up the good work!
    Blog30 participant: (DannaCrawford.com)

  • http://rundramarun.blogspot.com/ Danna Crawford

    Learning from my body is something I have just started to pay attention to and I can’t thank you enough for sharing this awesome information! Very inspiring!

    Keep up the good work!
    Blog30 participant: (DannaCrawford.com)

  • Annette Nack

    Thanks so much for your comment Danna!

    It’s a hard concept for some people because it’s like they think they’re the ones in charge and not their body. But unfortunately we all learn sometimes that when we go about being “in charge”, that our bodies need to do something drastic for us to actually start paying attention. Good luck listening to your body and good luck with Blog30!

  • http://melaniekissell.com/blog Melanie Kissell

    Marvelous post, Annette!

    We humans LOVE to feel in control, don’t we?

    You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Those little red welts are “flashing neon lights” – the means by which your body is talking back to you! And it’s expecting you to listen!

    I always tell the women I work with to listen to their bodies. And sometimes they look back at me like I’m nuts. But that’s okay. I go on to share some of the very same points you’ve mentioned here. And I really try to hone in on some of the nasty symptoms of stress since it touches SO many lives.

    It’s very typical behavior to “excuse” things away and just sweep things under the rug. I think they call that “denial”. :-)

    Bet it wasn’t possible to just sweep those little red welts under the rug! You went the extra mile to figure out what the heck was going on and why.

    What’s more, you’re doing something about it. Hooray for you!


  • http://melaniekissell.com/blog Melanie Kissell

    Marvelous post, Annette!

    We humans LOVE to feel in control, don’t we?

    You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Those little red welts are “flashing neon lights” – the means by which your body is talking back to you! And it’s expecting you to listen!

    I always tell the women I work with to listen to their bodies. And sometimes they look back at me like I’m nuts. But that’s okay. I go on to share some of the very same points you’ve mentioned here. And I really try to hone in on some of the nasty symptoms of stress since it touches SO many lives.

    It’s very typical behavior to “excuse” things away and just sweep things under the rug. I think they call that “denial”. :-)

    Bet it wasn’t possible to just sweep those little red welts under the rug! You went the extra mile to figure out what the heck was going on and why.

    What’s more, you’re doing something about it. Hooray for you!


  • Annette Nack

    I love how you used “flashing neon lights”! That’s the perfect way to say it!

    Its hard for me to ignore the messages my body sends me but that’s because I’ve had a lot of practice & because I really want to.

    Between the two of us (and many more I’m sure!), we’ve got our work cut out for us!

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  • http://www.facebook.com/angela.b.romano Angela Bella Romano

    Awesome I have welps on my arms suddenly and I’m like oh no allergic reaction ! However I’ve been eating vegan for 4 months now and working out! Maybe you are correct thanks!!

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