Tag Archive: Decision Making

Are You Authentic? Are You the “Real You”?

Tweet “Are you genuine? Or just an actor? A representative? Or what it is that is represented?—In the end, you might merely be someone mimicking an actor … Second question of conscience.” – Friedrich Nietzsche What does it mean to you to be authentic? Can you remember the last time that you were truly authentic,…

Who Are You In 5 Words or Less

Tweet Who are you? Really? “When you are real in your music, people know it and they feel your authenticity. ” ~Wynonna Judd As we move into the spring and summer, it feels like everything is moving and shifting around us. Maybe it’s just me, but once I see the snow begin to recede and…

Are You a Resolution Kind of Person?

Tweet How many of us, year after year, attempt the same old New Year’s resolutions with the same old results? It doesn’t have to happen that way any more!  We can actually take those resolutions, those “If I could just do it this year” lists and turn them into reality. The problem is that we…

I Have a Dream

Tweet “A dream is a wish your heart makes…”             -Cinderella I can admit that for as long as I can remember that I am a HUGE daydreamer.  It’s true. I’m lucky though, it’s not considered to be the worst of my bad habits since I try to keep it…

How Healthy is Your Heart?

Tweet I’m sure most of you know, but the month of February is officially “Heart Health Month.”  We hear endless news about this cardiovascular issue or that one and how we are supposed to be watching what we eat, exercising and reducing stress I completely agree with all of that.  We do need to be…

Preparing for the Springtime

Tweet Do you know that point in the calendar when it’s beginning to feel more and more like Spring and less and less like Winter? That is one of my favorite transition times of the whole year! Don’t get me wrong, there are things about every season that I just love, but there is something…

Setting Goals, Determining Priorities

Tweet I know that once the weather starts getting warmer, all of our minds turn to one of several things: 1. Longer days and more time spent outside! 2. The inevitable end of the school year! 3. Baseball season is here! 4. Vacations, vacations, vacations! 5. Ice cream! 6. Swimsuit season is fast approaching! 7….

Time for a SMART Move

Tweet Do you consider yourself smart? I mean, really.  Do you think you’re smart? I’m not referring to an IQ of 180 or acing the SATs or even graduating at the top of your class. Well, let’s give you a little test to find out just how “Smart” you are. Are you ready? Today we’re…

Eat Well To Live Well

Tweet We all know how critical it is for each of us to eat. Why is it, then, that’s it’s so hard to figure out exactly what we should be eating? Why does it need to be so difficult? The most amazing thing about our current society is that we can now get just about…

It’s Time To Make That Decision

Tweet I was listening to an incredibly fascinating teleconference over the weekend and the comments that were said by the two facilitators made me think. I was thinking long and hard and what they said made so much sense that I just had to share it with you. I am a “checker” and a list…

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