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The Benefits Of Strength Training For Kids

Tweet You can’t turn on a television, radio or the computer these days without hearing, eventually, something about childhood obesity. What are we going to do about it? Here are some more alarming statistics. Who are we going to blame today? It’s gotten to the point where we as a society are becoming numb to…

The Benefits of Weight Training for Women

Tweet There’s an old myth that says that women shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights because it will make their bodies bulky, like a man’s body. So a lot of women shy away from lifting weights at all when they exercise and stick to just cardiovascular exercise. The problem with just doing cardiovascular or aerobic exercise…

Does It Pay To Have An Alter Ego?

Tweet Superman has Clark Kent. Batman has Bruce Wayne. Spiderman has Peter Parker. Every self respecting superhero has an alter ego. Is it time for you to have one? Would it really pay for you or I, relatively normal human beings, to have an alter ego? I say yes and probably not for the reasons…

So You Want to Run Your First Marathon- Where Do You Start?

Tweet So you just decided that you want to run your first marathon! Congratulations!  That’s great news! Running a marathon is a test of your endurance like you’ll never see anywhere else.  It’s a full 26.2 mile journey through the best and worst of yourself in just one morning. So where do you start? Is…

Health In The Fast Lane: Just Because You’re Busy Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Be Healthy

Tweet Busy busy busy. It seems like these days we are just getting busier and busier.  Between working, sleeping, exercising, raising a family and having some kind of time to yourself not to mention time with friends, it looks like we are over-scheduled, over-booked, over-tired, over-planned and just over-over. Where is the time where we…

Slow Down, Slow Way Down For Healthy Living

Tweet When we are so busy and time is a hot commodity, why would I suggest anything like slowing down? What’s the point? We’re busy, we’ve got things to do. Why slow down at all? Why not suggest even speeding up?  Wouldn’t that make more sense? Actually, speeding up would be the absolute worst thing…

In A Bad Mood? Bust Yourself Out Of It

Tweet Cranky. Irritated. Annoyed. Frustrated. Ornery. Fed up. Angry. All are words that can describe just one side of a bad mood.  There are plenty of more colorful words that could probably describe a bad mood better, but I’m sure you get the point. You and I both know that being in a bad mood…

Quit Playing The Blame Game: Getting Yourself Out of Victim Mode

Tweet How do you feel about the word Blame? Does it get a visceral reaction out of you? Does your stomach clench up? Do you start to grind your teeth a little? Does you heart maybe beat a little bit faster? Do your palms get sweaty? Does your skin start to flush? When it comes…

There are Six Letters Standing Between You & Your Desired Health, Body and Life

Tweet What if I told you that everything that you’ve ever wanted for yourself was within your grasp? What if I said that there was only one thing standing in your way of whatever it is that you’ve hoped to do, be or have? Better yet, what if only six letters stood between where you…

The Benefits of a Clean Home for Your Health

Tweet We all love a clean home. It smells clean, it looks clean.  You don’t need to worry about walking in and seeing clothes all over the place.  You don’t have to worry about dirty dishes in the sink. Just by being clean, you also cut down on the dust, mold and other potential allergens…

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