Tag Archive: Water

Top 12 Healthy Eater Habits

Tweet Have you ever wonder what *exactly* makes a healthy eater? Is it something that they’re born with?  A skill set that they learned from their parents or some special class they took? Or is it just something innate within them that for some reason makes them immune to chocolate’s creamy allure? (Maybe that’s just…

10 Tips to Help You Maintain Good Health

Tweet As we all start to get a little bit older, we begin to realize that maintaining good health becomes more and more of a priority and less of an indulgence. Why? The easiest answer is that as advances and improvements in medicine occur, our quality of life begins to improve.  And with that, our…

Deconstructing Cravings, Part 3

Tweet In Parts 1 & 2, we’ve talked about the whats, whens and whys of cravings. Here is a quick review. For every craving, there is an equal and opposite cause & probably another craving right behind it. The reason why cravings are so important to think about when you’re trying to get healthier is…

Why Do You Crave? Part 2

Tweet   For every craving, there is an equal and opposite cause & probably another craving right behind it.   Say what?   What do you mean that there’s another craving right behind it?  I get the cause, that makes sense, but another craving?   Not fair!!!   The reason why cravings are so important…

What Do You Crave? Part 1

Tweet So, be honest, what do you crave the most? Is it a particular food or drink?  Is it something more vague like sugar or salt?  Is it a family of foods or just an “anything goes” kind of craving? I’m totally a chocolate person.  Chocolate is my go-to stress reliever. I’ve got other craving favs but…

Top 7 Steps To Eating Better, Today!

Tweet I just love to eat! Really, I do. I can’t say for sure when my love affair with food started but I’m sure it had something to do with family gatherings all throughout my childhood and into my adult life. What made it even better though is that I learned how to cook and…

Eat Well To Live Well

Tweet We all know how critical it is for each of us to eat. Why is it, then, that’s it’s so hard to figure out exactly what we should be eating? Why does it need to be so difficult? The most amazing thing about our current society is that we can now get just about…

Cool & Refreshing Cucumber Water

Tweet Cucumber Water Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: none Yields: 2 servings Ingredients 1 large cucumber 3 cups water Directions 1. Peel cucumber and slice in half, length-wise. 2. Scoop out seeds with a spoon. 3. Cut cucumber into chunks. 4. Put the cucumber and water into a blender and puree. 5. Serve immediately….

Water, Water, Everywhere

Tweet We all know how important it is to drink water. But do you REALLY know why we need to be drinking more water than we already are? Some nutritionists insist that 80% of the country is walking around dehydrated.  We drink too much coffee, tea and sodas containing caffeine which prompts the body to…

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