Tag Archive: Springtime Health

Why Do You Crave? Part 2

Tweet   For every craving, there is an equal and opposite cause & probably another craving right behind it.   Say what?   What do you mean that there’s another craving right behind it?  I get the cause, that makes sense, but another craving?   Not fair!!!   The reason why cravings are so important…

What Do You Crave? Part 1

Tweet So, be honest, what do you crave the most? Is it a particular food or drink?  Is it something more vague like sugar or salt?  Is it a family of foods or just an “anything goes” kind of craving? I’m totally a chocolate person.  Chocolate is my go-to stress reliever. I’ve got other craving favs but…

Why You Should Be Eating Your Greens

Tweet “It’s not easy being green.”  -Kermit the Frog I love green vegetables! There is just something so fresh and tasty about those great green foods that grow this time of the year. Oh no! This is the point where I tell you that we should all be eating our fruits and veggies! Believe you…

Preparing for the Springtime

Tweet Do you know that point in the calendar when it’s beginning to feel more and more like Spring and less and less like Winter? That is one of my favorite transition times of the whole year! Don’t get me wrong, there are things about every season that I just love, but there is something…

Red & Green Leaf Salad

Tweet Red & Green Leaf Salad Recipe Yields: 4 servings Prep time: 15 minutes Ingredients: For the Salad: 2 cups red leaf lettuce 2 cups green leaf lettuce 1 carrot, shredded 2 Roma tomatoes, sliced 1/2 cup raw mushrooms, sliced For the Dressing: 1 clove finely chopped garlic 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic…

Smart Spring & Summertime Snacking

Tweet Whoo hoo!  Snacktime, my favorite! As the weather gets warmer and a lot nicer to be outside, I tend to be on the go more often than not. I’m going to guess that you’re the same way. Well, what happens, then, when you’re always on the go and you get hungry?  Maybe not for…

What the Swine Flu Is and Isn’t

Tweet Before you start grabbing for the nearest bottle of antibacterial anything, hear me out. There has been A LOT of news coverage over this particular virus & even though I don’t have a magic cure-all, I do have common sense. If you only listen to the news, you are probably wondering if you should…

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