Tag Archive: Newsletter

Deconstructing Cravings, Part 3

Tweet In Parts 1 & 2, we’ve talked about the whats, whens and whys of cravings. Here is a quick review. For every craving, there is an equal and opposite cause & probably another craving right behind it. The reason why cravings are so important to think about when you’re trying to get healthier is…

Why Do You Crave? Part 2

Tweet   For every craving, there is an equal and opposite cause & probably another craving right behind it.   Say what?   What do you mean that there’s another craving right behind it?  I get the cause, that makes sense, but another craving?   Not fair!!!   The reason why cravings are so important…

What Do You Crave? Part 1

Tweet So, be honest, what do you crave the most? Is it a particular food or drink?  Is it something more vague like sugar or salt?  Is it a family of foods or just an “anything goes” kind of craving? I’m totally a chocolate person.  Chocolate is my go-to stress reliever. I’ve got other craving favs but…

So You’re Stuck On A Desert Island…

Tweet So you’re stuck on a desert island… Sound like a bad movie? Or a tv show you might have seen before? Maybe, you think. But I’m going to put a different spin on it. We get some wacky weather sometimes.  Really, if you think about it, weather has become an obsession for some people….

Self-Care and Self-Love, Not Just for Valentine’s Day Anymore

Tweet It doesn’t take a holiday devoted to love to make you think about love. How do you love yourself? How do you love your significant other- that is, if you have one? If you don’t have one, you may start thinking about love in a different sense. Why don’t I have it? Why shouldn’t…

Go Un-Plug Yourself…‏

Tweet At first glance, this could seem a little inappropriate, but I promise, it’s not! I’ll admit that I’m coming off a mini-vacation that I, in a way, forced upon myself after running an insane amount in 2 days. But what that time away did was give me a chance to look at what I’ve…

A Goofy Retrospective of 2009

Tweet Believe it or not, but I’ve put off writing this for over a week. No big reason why, no huge, daunting challenge BUT I figured “retrospective” spoke more to the very end of the year rather than the end of the year, but still needing to squeeze in just one more week. When I…

You Don’t NEED A New Year’s Resolution

Tweet I know how crazy it sounds coming from me, but I really don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. I think that they are too stressful and too demanding. What if you have a bad day and fall off the resolution wagon?  You just call it quits? You’d be suprised how many times that happens. Go…

Are You Getting Enough Zzzz’s?

Tweet We all know how critical sleep is to our health.   Did you know that sleep can not only keep extra body weight on, but can also prevent your body from recovering from colds, illnesses, injuries and even intense workouts?   Sounds crazy, right?   Did you know that:   Sleep helps the brain…

Not So Happy it’s Wintertime?

Tweet Also known as “Why Running Away to a Beach in the Winter is Actually a Good Idea…” Yes, it is indeed winter for most of us right now, regardless of what the thermometer says. Are you feeling it yet? Are you itching for spring to show up so that you can: 1. finally get…

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