Tag Archive: Inspiration

The Real Fear Factor, Yours

Tweet Fear is a really funny thing. It’s everywhere. We all try to ignore it because we know that if we don’t, we’ll get caught up in the whole fear mentality and it’s incredibly hard to get out of it. Well I just went face to face with one of my fears. I’m still standing…

Why I’m Giving Up Bullsh*t for Lent & Why You Should Too

Tweet This is my first post that I’ve written on my blackberry so forgive me if the formatting, spelling & layout is all over the place. I’ll pretty it up later : ) Why am I writing blog entries on my blackberry? Simple. Because getting to a computer & actually sitting down & writing what’s…

Go Un-Plug Yourself…‏

Tweet At first glance, this could seem a little inappropriate, but I promise, it’s not! I’ll admit that I’m coming off a mini-vacation that I, in a way, forced upon myself after running an insane amount in 2 days. But what that time away did was give me a chance to look at what I’ve…

A Goofy Retrospective of 2009

Tweet Believe it or not, but I’ve put off writing this for over a week. No big reason why, no huge, daunting challenge BUT I figured “retrospective” spoke more to the very end of the year rather than the end of the year, but still needing to squeeze in just one more week. When I…

Annette’s Cure-All Tea

Tweet Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes Yields: 1 serving Ingredients: 2 cloves fresh garlic Fresh lemons for juicing 10-12 oz Water A dash of cayenne pepper, if desired     Directions: Bring the water to a boil. As the water is heating up, take your garlic cloves and press them to release…

Allowing Yourself to Just BE

Tweet Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn! Look to this Day! For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your Existence. The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream, And To-morrow is…

You Have The Choice. You’ve Always Had the Choice

Tweet I have to admit something to you. I’m a recovering non-decision maker. Procrastination was my MO and even though I hated rushing at the last minute, I just couldn’t stop. Sound familiar to anyone out there? Well, today you have the choice and the opportunity to make a very important decision. Actually every day you have the…

Open Yourself Up To New Possibilities

Tweet How open to new “stuff” are you? Be honest.  How open are you to new people, places, foods or experiences? I’ve found that so many of us are creatures of habit, myself included.  There’s nothing wrong with that! The only time we suffer is when we close ourselves off to potentially experiencing new (and…

Nutrition Lessons From a Marathon

Tweet Okay, I can admit it, I like to run.  I don’t know how good I am at it, but honestly, I’ve never really cared. I never thought that I would ever attempt the marathon. Seemed too daunting, just too long of a distance to run at one time. Anyone agree with me?  26.2 miles?  How could anyone…

Are You Ready to Pull Your Hair Out?

Tweet Can I be real with you for a moment? I know that we’re supposed to be talking about nutrition, healthy food and diets here, but I have to share something with you and I think today is the perfect day to do so. Have you ever had that moment where you get so frustrated…

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