Is It Possible To Think Yourself Thin?

Have you ever wondered what would-or I should say could- happen if you just thought about it?

Meaning, have you ever wondered what your true potential would be if you just set your mind to something and thought that it would happen?

How about this, what do you think when I ask you if you think it’s possible to think yourself thin?

Do you immediately laugh and say, well, that’s just not possible.  If it was possible, then wouldn’t we all be thin, happy and healthy?

Do you hesititate, wonder what it would be like and then dismiss the idea as impossible?

Or do you think, yeah totally, I think that can be done.  Maybe.  I just haven’t done it so I guess it could happen.

Before I answer whether or not it’s possible to think yourself thin, let me approach a different angle first.

Have you ever thought about someone and then the phone rings and it’s them?

Have you ever thought about something bad happening and then it does?

Have you ever said, well things just can’t get any worse and then they do?

(Murphy’s law, by the way, is not to be played around with.  Not in my mind.)

These are all examples of your mind’s power at work.

Okay, so maybe that sounds a little hippie-dippy, airy-fairy to you.

You didn’t cause those things to happen, they’re just coincidences.  Plain and simple.

I challenge you to think a little differently at least for the moment.

What if those were not just coincidences?  What if you didn’t just shrug them off as nothing special?

Well then you’d be opening yourself up to a world of possibilities.

You’d be entering yourself into a place where you are the creator of your circumstances, the ruler over your kingdom and, perhaps more importantly, the dream maker.

When you think about your body, about your “ideal” body weight, shape or size, what is the first thought that pops into your mind?

Is it one of love and appreciation or do you automatically go to the negative aspects of your body?

Can you appreciate automatically all that your body does for you and is capable of?

Or do you wonder why your body just can’t do what you’ve been asking, begging it to do for years?

If you allow yourself to switch into Dream Maker mode, then your thoughts would be directed towards all the good things about your body.  You’d teach yourself to focus on the positive, love unconditionally and allow the goodness that you are physically to take over and be in the driver’s seat.

If you can focus on the things that you love about your body, then that is where you’ll not only be putting your attention but also all of your energy, focus and intention.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you hate your flabby stomach.

It’s big, it’s round and it just won’t ever be flat no matter how many crunches you do, no matter how much you diet.  This is your problem area, emphasis on the problem.  You’ve even (jokingly, maybe) considered liposuction.

That whole statement is in the negative.

Belly is bad, bad, bad and even more bad.  You even refer to it as a problem. 

My thought is this- if you focus on the bad and think of all the “badness” around it, then what are you going to get?

You’re going to get more bad.

I think you’re going to continue getting bad until you’re willing to change your thought patterns and start thinking about that problem area with a little less criticism and with a lot more love and acceptance.

To do this, you would shift gears and focus on something that you love.

Maybe you have great arms?  Great legs?  Flexiblitity for days?

Whatever you choose, once you set your attention, intention and energy on the good, you will start drawing more good into your life.

Like attracts like.

Birds of a feather flock together.

These sayings are around for a very good reason.

So I’m challenging you to think about your body in loving terms, with loving words and with loving thoughts.

Wipe away the negative, embrace the positive.

But I haven’t answered the question that I posed to you when you first started reading this article.

Can you possibly think yourself thin?

I think you can.

I think it’ll take a lot of love and positivity to make it happen along with strength and determination.  You have to decide that this is what you truly want and then take the steps to get there.

Before you start thinking away, please realize that sitting on your couch, gallon of ice cream in hand, and thinking thin body thoughts will get you and keep you thin, there is one little caveat.

Thinking is good but action is better.

Once you’ve set yourself on the path towards what you truly want and desire and focus your thoughts, attention and intentions on it, then it is yours to be had.  That part is easy to accept.

But it is those thoughts coupled with proper actions that will send you off faster and easier than you may have imagined possible.  This is where you dreams are realized and where your dreams are made real.

Besides, if you’re going to be thinking anyway, why not make them happy, positive and loving thoughts?  You have nothing to lose.

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  • Linda

    Hi Annette,
    you explained a concept that is not so easy to grasp. I’ve noticed that most people think “I have to be on a diet in order to be slim”, and guess what? If they eat without a diet, they get fat… They get proof on there own beliefs…

    I’m do happy that you write this, so that people can start opening up to the concept that it might be the other way around: your body follows your thoughts.

    Great blog, and good luck with the challenge!


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  • Robin

    I love this! I’m also glad you’re doing the #blog30, or I probably wouldn’t have seen it.

    Bookmarking now, have a great day!! :)

  • Robin

    I love this! I’m also glad you’re doing the #blog30, or I probably wouldn’t have seen it.

    Bookmarking now, have a great day!! :)

  • Annette Nack

    Thanks so much Robin!

    I’m so glad you liked it. I really enjoy the #blog30 challenge not only because I get to write consistently but also because I get to meet some really great people!

    Can’t wait to see what you’re up too!

  • suzie

    I enjoy your blog!


  • suzie

    I enjoy your blog!


  • Annette Nack

    Hi Linda!

    I’m glad you liked the concept. It’s been one that I’ve felt very strongly about but not sure how to put down on paper (or the computer screen for that matter). I do hope that people are receptive to the idea that there’s more than just food & exercise when it comes to be healthy. I truly believe that we can never come into our full potential without bringing the mind along- OR better yet- letting it lead!

  • Annette Nack

    Thanks Suzie! I’m looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the #blog30 challenge!

  • Linda

    Hi Annette,
    you explained a concept that is not so easy to grasp. I’ve noticed that most people think “I have to be on a diet in order to be slim”, and guess what? If they eat without a diet, they get fat… They get proof on there own beliefs…

    I’m do happy that you write this, so that people can start opening up to the concept that it might be the other way around: your body follows your thoughts.

    Great blog, and good luck with the challenge!


  • Linda Randall

    Well said.
    Train your Brain, change your life!

  • Linda Randall

    Well said.
    Train your Brain, change your life!

  • Annette Nack

    Yes! It really can be that easy! I love its simplicity.

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