Smart Spring & Summertime Snacking

Whoo hoo!  Snacktime, my favorite!

As the weather gets warmer and a lot nicer to be outside, I tend to be on the go more often than not.

I’m going to guess that you’re the same way.

Well, what happens, then, when you’re always on the go and you get hungry?  Maybe not for a full meal but for a snack?

Do you think you know what to grab for when the snack attack starts so that you’re still eating something healthy but satisfying?

There is good news!  It is so much easier to choose healthy and easy snacks this time of year than any other time.

The only downside is that sometimes these healthy snacks need some refrigeration.

Nothing that a smart cookie like you can’t take care of- wait, did I just say cookie?

Cookies, unfortunately, are not on the list, just like their sugary counterparts- cakes, candies and ice cream.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

As much as I love sugar, and I do, it’s not the best choice for a healthy snack.  The resultant sugar spike and crash in an otherwise amped up kid, husband or friend because the weather is so nice will only give you a hot and cranky situation to deal with.

My Suggestions?  Keep it simple.  The less ingredients you have, the less processing you rely on will result in a much simpler and healthier snack.

  • Fresh Fruit- always a winner but beware of refrigeration issues
  • Frozen fruit, especially grapes are always a keeper and you can use frozen fruit as an all natural ice pack, as long as they last
  • Fruit smoothies and I mean REAL fruit.  You can make them at home in a food processor, some plain or vanilla yogurt (the good stuff) and your fav fruits.  Add in a little bit of ice to chill or a little bit of honey or agave nectar to sweeten if needed
  • Same goes for veggies- carrots & sugar snap peas are sweet enough and easy for little hands to deal with, big hands can handle it too
  • The healthiest peanut or almond butter you can find with fun stuff to dip- celery, apples and even pretzels work well
  • Healthier trail mix- keep it simple, dried fruit pieces, nuts, pretzel nuggets and maybe some mini chocolate chips
  • Air popped popcorn or even microwave popcorn- go for the healthier, less butter drowned varieties
  • Yogurt can be perfect but please watch the sugar content!  Plain or Vanilla can usually be jazzed up with some fresh fruit, honey or agave nectar without adding in lots of unnecessary sugar
  • Try your own version of frozen yogurt or frozen fresh fruit smoothies.  Again, this can be a temporary ice pack for your cooler!
  • Pretzels work, just remember lots of water!
  • For the more adventurous, hummus, eggplant dips and other healthy dip options added in with your fresh veggies are always a win-win
  • Chocolate craving?  Melt some extra dark chocolate and dip in fresh fruit pieces, pretzels or even your popcorn and nuts
  • Raw or roasted Walnuts, almonds, peanuts etc are a safe and better fat alternative when you have the savory snack craving.
  • Make your own seasoned nut & seed mix.  Take unsalted or raw mixed nuts, a little bit of olive oil and some of your favorite seasonings and then bake in your oven until fragrant.  I like olive oil, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, & an Indian curry seasoning blend

Need more ideas?

Let me know and I’ll help you brainstorm some more healthy snacks!

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  • KrisBelucci

    Hi, good post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.

  • KrisBelucci

    Hi, good post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.

  • AndrewBoldman

    Hi, good post. I have been woondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.

  • AndrewBoldman

    Hi, good post. I have been woondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.

  • CrisBetewsky

    You know, I don’t read blogs. But yours is really worth beeing read.

  • CrisBetewsky

    You know, I don’t read blogs. But yours is really worth beeing read.

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