I’d Like To Get Off The Merry-Go-Round Now, Please

Do you ever get the feeling that you’ve been here before?

I’m not talking about past life experiences but rather that you’ve been in the exact same situation, with the exact same type of people, with the exact same interaction and reactions that you’ve been in before?

It’s almost like you’re riding on some distorted, freaky type of Merry-go-round.

Except that the ride feels like it may never end and sometimes feels like all it’s doing is speeding up more and more.

You keep going on and on in these dizzying circles and you close your eyes just because you think that you’ll wake up and it would all just be some awful nightmare.

But when you open your eyes- you realize that this is your life.  This is your real life and this is your reality.  This is the reality that you created for yourself.

You want to cry.  You want to laugh but you realize that it’s really not all that funny.

How did I get here?  Why did I get here?  Who’s fault is it that I’m here?  Who can I blame?  What did I do to deserve this?

What we may not realize is that this freaky merry-go-round ride is all voluntary.

We were the ones who bought the ticket and stepped onto the ride.  We were the ones who created the situation and we create how that certain situation is played out in our lives.

We are creating right now.

You are creating your moment, your reactions, your fears, your successes and failures.  You are the creator of every single moment of every single day of every single year of your entire life.

Whether you are repeating something in your relationships, in your family, in your career, in your health, in anything of your life- you are the only one who has created the exact ingredients needed to create that scenario.

Why does this happen?

Simple.  We haven’t learned our lesson.

What is it that you need to learn, that you need to do, that you need to say, that you need to be in order for this situation to not repeat itself?

Don’t know?

Then you’ve just picked up another round-trip ticket to the merry-go-round.

Who can you blame?

No one.

This is your creation.

Just as quickly as you can claim victory is just as quickly you can claim the victim role.

You are the only one who can decide to repeat or end your ride on this merry-go-round.

How come this is happening?

This happens because it needs to happen.

None of us are born wise and peaceful beings.  We’re human and that comes with the messiness of living, of making mistakes, of crazy successes, of heartbreaks, of health issues and health scares.

This is all part of what makes us human, of what makes us special and uniquely capable of making decisions and choosing to live a better life, one of our creation.

So where does that leave us?  How do we choose to step off the ride and break the habits and patterns that we’re tired of living?

The first step in ending this ride is summed up in two simple words: personal responsibility.

You must claim your life.  You need to claim all of your mistakes and failures just as quickly and easily as you would claim your successes.

You must also claim all of your thoughts, feelings and actions.

What you must also do is accept responsibility for all that you are and not assign negativity to that person.

You are who you are.

The second step is to choose to stop the cycles that you are ready to stop.  Make the decision and then step up and assume responsibility for that decision and everything that goes along with it- both good and bad.

Once you are aware of your acceptance of responsibility, of your decision and of all that may come along with that decision, then the final step- that of action– is ready to begin.

Decision without action is not going to cut it.

If you do  not take action, then you are choosing to remain on the merry-go-round.

You have most definitely made a decision and that was one of inaction.  You are not ready to move on and really, that’s okay.

But when you have chosen Action, that is the exact moment that you are able to step off the ride and create for yourself a new story, a new ending.

As for me, I’m ready to step off the merry-go-round.

I’m ready to break my unhealthy habits and patterns and create something more beautiful and more in line with what I want for my life.

How are you?

Are you ready?  Are you willing?

Is it your time?

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  • Karen

    For me, this is such a long-ago commitment, it’s now a lifestyle. It’s all about baby steps. First I gave up sugar, then unhealthy fats. Suddenly 95% of what’s on grocery store shelves became non-food. From time to time, a new wrinkle is added: whole wheat flour, alternatives to milk. It’s all good. My healthy lifestyle is prevention, my only health insurance. Could use more exercise! I’ve been slipping up there.

  • http://www.bp-fit.com Lynda Gronlund

    Great post! Stuff to think about….

  • http://www.bp-fit.com Lynda Gronlund

    Great post! Stuff to think about….

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  • http://www.evelynbrooks.com Evelyn Roberts Brooks

    Hi Annette, such a great insight – most people don’t stop and think that there are lessons to be learned, they just wonder why all the same bad things happen to them again and again! Enjoyed it.

  • http://www.evelynbrooks.com Evelyn Roberts Brooks

    Hi Annette, such a great insight – most people don’t stop and think that there are lessons to be learned, they just wonder why all the same bad things happen to them again and again! Enjoyed it.

  • Annette Nack

    Absolutely! I’ve been thinking about it for a while!

  • Annette Nack

    I totally agree Evelyn! Realizing that there is a lesson to be learned is such a good way to get out of victim mode. Now only if we can get more people to do it!

  • Annette Nack

    I love the way you put that! It always boils down to baby steps. A lot of people want things right now- the whole thing all at once- otherwise, they don’t want it at all. Its too bad because without those baby steps, you miss out on the journey & that is, in my opinion, the most valuable part!

  • Karen

    For me, this is such a long-ago commitment, it’s now a lifestyle. It’s all about baby steps. First I gave up sugar, then unhealthy fats. Suddenly 95% of what’s on grocery store shelves became non-food. From time to time, a new wrinkle is added: whole wheat flour, alternatives to milk. It’s all good. My healthy lifestyle is prevention, my only health insurance. Could use more exercise! I’ve been slipping up there.

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