Annette’s Holiday Survival Guide: Don’t Just Survive, but Thrive this Holiday Season

I’ve got an interesting challenge for you.
How about instead of just surviving the holidays this year, that you thrive through the holidays?

Let’s get the basics out of the way.


The holiday season is fast approaching, less than 24 hours to be realistic.


It cannot be avoided or ignored.  If you really want to pretend they don’t exist, don’t plan on leaving your home, turning on the radio, television or computer until January 2nd, 2010.


Chances are you will have to spend at least a little bit of time with people- friends, family, co-workers, even complete strangers- that you may not like or may not enjoy the company of.


There will be parties with a lot of “bad” foods- fatty, greasy, sugary, sticky, smelly and everything in between.


There will be soda, juice, alcohol and every other kind of beverage there as well.


This we all know.


You might also feel pressured to spend way too much money on gifts that you feel obligated to give.


Ditto with holiday cards.


So what do we do?




Plan ahead of time to not only survive the holiday roller coaster, but also to thrive during them.

Start small.  Check out some of my holiday suggestions below.  If you’re ready for the next step, start brainstorming what the next step up would look like for you.
Your Challenge, if you choose to Accept it!

Annette’s Holiday Survival Guide: Don’t just Survive, Thrive instead…
  1. Approach the holidays by taking a gigantic deep breath every time you find yourself not breathing.  Or every time you see your family.  Or every time you want to eat a cookie or another slice of pie.  You get the picture- breathe!
  2. Make sure you sleep.  As busy as the holidays can get, protect your sleep schedule as much as you can.  You will function at your best IF you sleep well.
  3. Create an Anti-Stress routine, mantra or pattern.  Whatever you need to do, whomever you need to call, make sure you do it and keep it consistent.  Brainstorm your top stress relievers and keep the list close by.
  4. If you’re worried about over-eating over the holidays, then you need to remember a few things.  Nothing you eat will ever be guilt-free so just give up that thought.  If you’re going to eat or drink it, make sure that you enjoy the whole darn thing.  If you stop enjoying it, stop putting it in your mouth.
  5. Walk away from the food.  Don’t hang out by the buffet table or the bar.  If you fall prey to temptation, then don’t put yourself right next to it.  Set yourself up for success- even if that means standing at a party.
  6. If you’re still worried about over-eating, then eat a meal prior to the party, dinner, get-together.  You have control over what you put into your body at all times, but it doesn’t hurt to give yourself a helping hand before you get attacked by holiday goodies.
  7. Continue exercising.  The extra stress and business of the holiday season is enough to drive anyone batty, but if you continue with your normal routines, then you will come out better on the other side.
  8. Have a Wing-man.  If you need support, then give yourself the gift of unconditional support.  Bring a friend, a buddy, someone who you know is going to have your back and not leave you alone with food, drinks or people that you don’t want to be with.
  9. When loading up your plate, think about the “healthy trinity”: lean protein, veggies and a high fiber, healthy carbohydrate (think beans or legumes) before you load up on candied anything.  Color is good on your plate, but not just colorful sprinkles on cookies…
  10. Feel grateful.  The fact that you can read this message right now means a lot of things that I don’t need to repeat to you because chances are you’ve already seen them in an email forward.  More important than anything else is the reason for the holidays.  Practice gratitude.  If you don’t know how, fake it till you make it.

What are your next steps to thriving this holiday season?

Comment on this article and let me know your thoughts!

If you have more questions or would like some help, shoot me an email at

If you owe it to yourself, then don’t hesitate, just do it.



Share your success, share your challenges!



Make it public, make yourself accountable!


If you’re ready to take up to the next level, check out my blog and post your next steps.




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  • Hampers

    Thanks for sharing the Holiday Survival Guide. It was nice going through it. keep it up the good work.

  • Hampers

    Thanks for sharing the Holiday Survival Guide. It was nice going through it. keep it up the good work.

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  • incorgink

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